All aspects of organic dairy farming, food systems, agro-ecology and group learning can be offered as talks for diverse audiences. We offer talks about technical information and results of research but also more contemplative thoughts about farming systems and food systems and their effects in Global North and South. We compose talks on customers wishes on topics, length and time and like discussion.
orgANIMprove has a long history of giving talks for divers audiences: from practical talks in farmer groups to gathering awareness in non-farming audiences and presenting research and views on conferences and for students.
We offer hand-outs to each talk. You can have a pdf with text or slides to pass on to the audience, or print out depending on what you find convenient. In the archive, you can find some links to articles and texts, which you are free to use. We can also produce special texts or sheets for your audience. In that case, we charge an additional fee, based on our common agreement.
We can give talks in Danish, English or Dutch; some of the talks in all three languages and some of them only in two of the languages; find the info about this below for each talk.
We can offer two types of talks:
- Design it together with you, and develop it in accordance with your wishes. We can include clips & video’s and discussions or
participatory exercises with the audience. Customer specific talks can be given about all aspects of organic dairy farming, organic principals, naturalness, robust animals, animal welfare, animal health, limiting antibiotic use, organic food and farming systems, food sovereignty and also about farmer field schools, farmer family learning groups and farmer network group, with examples from Europe as well as from Africa.
- We have some pre-designed talks, which can be given to different groups of people and be varied in length, depending on the audience and the aim of the talk. See the catalogue below, and click on each of the talks to see more details.